10 Results for: (Concept:90000310-n)
100308 现在 不少 萝卜糕 店铺 供应商 进货 贩卖 只有 寥寥可数 米粉 手工 制作

Many carrot cake stalls today buy their carrot cake from suppliers , while only a handful make their own carrot cake from rice flour . (eng)

100388 扁平 米粉 制成 小吃 拥有 充满 活力 发展 历程

This extremely popular dish of flat rice noodles has a vibrant history . (eng)

100390 粿条 扁平 米粉 类似 意大利面 生抽 老抽 马来煎 belachan 罗望子 豆芽 韭菜 腊肠 以及 鸟蛤 一起 翻炒

Char kway teow, loosely translated as “stir-fried rice cake strips”, is made by stir-frying flat rice noodles (similar to the Italian tagliatelle) with light and dark soy sauce, a dash of belachan (shrimp paste), tamarind juice, bean sprouts, Chinese chives, lap cheong (Chinese sausages) and cockles. (eng)

100391 原来 制法 米粉 是以 猪油 进行 因此 独具 美味

In its original recipe , the rice noodles are also stir-fried in pork fat using crisp bits of pork lard , resulting in a distinctively rich taste . (eng)

100944 传承 已久 小吃 多年来 一直 当地 人们 喜爱 食品 萝卜糕 称作 菜头粿 米粉 白萝卜 鸡蛋 一样 金黄 随后 洋葱 新加坡 潮汕 居民 极为 普遍 菜品

Made from an old-world recipe that 's been a local favourite for many years , carrot cake is also known as chai tow kueh and actually consists of cubes of steamed rice flour and white radish , fried in egg- like an omelette and garnished with spring onions , a recipe common to the Teochews in Singapore . (eng)

101061 芽龙 29 福建 选用 猪肉 虾仁 鱿鱼 米粉 美味可口 难以 比拟

Fried with pork , prawns and squid rings , the yellow noodles and thin bee hoon at Geylang_Lor 29 Fried_Hokkien_Mee are extremely tasty and flavourful . (eng)

101603 不过 现在 卤面 可以 米粉 一起

However , Lor_Mee stalls today will gladly also serve it with vermicelli . (eng)

101623 可以 选择 Carousel 位于 中心 自助 清真 餐厅 其它 马来 餐馆 品尝 Soto Ayam 鸡肉 豆芽 鸡肉 或者 加上 土豆泥 压缩 米粉

Also visit Carousel, a halal buffet in the heart of town, or other Malay restaurants to savour the Soto Ayam, a spiced chicken stock served with chicken and bean sprouts, together with your choice of a potato croquette or compressed rice cakes. (eng)

101805 这里 福建 采用 虾仁 鱿鱼 煎炒 米粉 充分 吸收 凤尾鱼 滋味

The fried Hokkien noodles served here is the dry version , with the yellow and rice noodles absorbing the prawn and anchovy stock , fried with prawns and squid . (eng)

102086 laksa 叻沙 米粉 为例 米面 椰奶 烹制 上海 鸡肉 娘惹

Take for instance laksa , a spicy Nonya dish made with rice vermicelli and coconut milk and garnished with seafood or chicken . (eng)

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