7 Results for: (Concept:90000210-n)
100378 Sitting adjacent to the Geylang district is the Joo_Chiat / Katong enclave , which traditionally has been the preserve of the Peranakans , middle class locals and the wealthy merchant class .
100380 They settled in several parts throughout Singapore , but their legacy is best showcased in the colourful shophouses and homes in the Joo_Chiat district which sport sculpted facades of animal reliefs and hand-crafted ceramic tiles .
100382 Take a walk down Joo_Chiat_Road and drink in the colourful scenery of Joo_Chiat 's buildings .
100391 Immerse yourself in Peranakan culture on your visit to Katong and Joo_Chiat , and also enjoy its wealth of good food and cultural heritage .
102654 Alternatively , head towards Joo_Chiat to a coffeeshop called Eng_Seng_Restaurant for its sister dish , the black pepper crab .
104121 Have a taste of authentic Peranakan food at Joo_Chiat or Katong and take a look at the intricate beading and embroidered traditional costumes at Rumah_Bebe .
104136 Some ethnic quarters to start with are Chinatown , Kampong_Glam , Little_India , Joo_Chiat and Katong .

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