4 Results for: (Concept:90000193-n)
100750 新加坡 马来 口味 差别 馄饨 片片 叉烧 猪肉 翠绿 蔬菜

The Singaporean and Malaysian versions are largely similar , offering slices of Char_Siew ( barbecued pork ) , in addition to bite-sized dumplings and leafy vegetables . (eng)

100753 说到 本土 云吞 不得不 叉烧 其中 多汁 肉片

Char Siew plays an important role in local Wanton_Mee , with succulent and charred slices considered the best . (eng)

100755 叉烧 烧烤 米饭 食用

Char Siew is also eaten with rice , together with a sweet barbeque dipping sauce . (eng)

100756 大理石 叉烧

Char Siew marbled with fat is the most flavourful , as it gives it a distinct charred taste . (eng)

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