10 Results for: (Concept:90000184-n)
100489 其中 重头戏 自然 妆艺大游行 这个 类似 大型 狂欢节 街头 游行 可以 观赏 花团锦簇 花车 以及 表演 惊险 刺激 活动 以及 魔术 火辣 舞蹈

The centrepiece of the festivities is the Chingay_Parade , a grand carnival-like street parade with dazzling floats , thrilling spectacles like fire-eaters , magicians and sizzling dance acts . (eng)

100500 妆艺大游行 ChingayParade 传统 农历 新年 举行 游行 活动

The Chingay Parade is a traditional Chinese New Year procession that has grown in recent years to become a massive street parade, boasting a stunning array of dancers, street floats, jugglers, percussionists, lion and dragon dancers, clowns and acrobats, among others. (eng)

100503 妆艺 这个 名字 起源 福建 方言 词语 服饰 装扮 艺术 悠久 历史 可以 追溯 1973 人们 首次 举办 妆艺大游行

The name “Chingay” was coined from its Hokkien dialect equivalent, meaning “the art of costume and masquerade”, and is a longstanding tradition dating back to 1973, when the first parade was organised. (eng)

100507 农历 新年 可以 径直 前往 滨海 F1 赛道 维修 大楼 前面 举行 妆艺大游行 现场

During Chinese New Year, head down to the Formula One Pit Building at the Marina Waterfront for the Chingay Parade. (eng)

100512 近年来 妆艺大游行 兼容并蓄 吸收 来自 亚洲 乃至 全球 各种 文艺 形式

In recent years, the festival has evolved with Asian and global influences, with approximately 2,000 performers from various clubs, schools and institutions gyrating to Samba music – and has given the parade a growing reputation as the Mardi Gras of the East – in a myriad of glittering, colourful costumes. (eng)

100514 2000 来自 加纳 巴西 斯洛文尼亚 外来 团体 纷纷 亮相 妆艺大游行 吸引 无数 游客 当地 民众 他们 加入 同时 反映 真正 国际化 都会 动人 魅力

Since 2000, exotic groups from various countries like Ghana, Brazil and Slovenia have also made their debut in the parade, enthralling tourists and Singaporeans, reflecting a true cosmopolitan society. (eng)

100927 每年 妆艺大游行 类似 这样 中华 民间 都会 精彩 上演

Chinese folk dances such as these are performed every year during the Chingay_Festival . (eng)

101549 妆艺大游行 公众 鼓励 穿 共享 排舞 乐趣

In the annual Chingay_Festival , members of the public are also encouraged to put on their dancing shoes and join in the fun . (eng)

102284 吸引 眼球 盛大 妆艺大游行 以及 陶瓷 汤匙 制作 特色 灯笼

Floats from the Chingay Parade will also make their appearance, while other interesting displays that will amaze you include lanterns made out of sugar and ceramic spoons. (eng)

103181 密切 关注 新加坡 热卖 新加坡 电影节 一级 方程式 赛车 新加坡 大奖 以及 妆艺大游行 年度 盛事

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