2 Results for: (Concept:90000141-n)
101389 顺着 如切 一路 这里 建筑物 美轮美奂 胜景 大饱眼福

Take a walk down Joo_Chiat_Road and drink in the colourful scenery of Joo_Chiat 's buildings . (eng)

101390 海岸 如切 交汇处 称之为 加东 心脏 地带 这里 咖啡店 各种 当地 小吃 闻名 豆干包 以及 著名 加东 叻沙 过足

Here you 'll find coffeshops selling local delicacies like tau kwa pau ( minced pork in fried tofu ) , ba chang ( rice dumplings ) and the famous Katong_Laksa , which are white rice noodles in a spicy coconut milk broth . (eng) The junction of East_Coast_Road and Joo_Chiat_Road can be suitably described as the heart of Katong . (eng)

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