4 Results for: (Concept:80002191-r)
60501 二十一 年轻 棋手 谷川 挑战 前期 如愿以偿 得到 名人 地位 加藤 谷川 开局 取得 三连胜 是否 能够 成为 有史以来 年轻 名人 社会 成为 话题 联赛

Kato , who had captured his sought-after Meijin title in the previous tournament , was challenged and consecutively defeated by the 21-year old youngster Tanigawa in the opening three games of the series , who created a public sensation as " the youngest ever Meijin " . (eng)

60508 名人赛 登场 这样 下去 可能 成为 运气 悲惨 棋手 米长 好像 已往 败退 一样 展开 精彩 对弈 最后 终于 四十九 零十一 年纪 成为 有史以来 年龄 名人

It was Yonenaga 's seventh attempt at the Meijin title and it looked like he could remain the " unlucky " shogi player , but he avenged his past defeats with superb game development to win the title and become the oldest Meijin ever at 49 years and 11 months . (eng)

60759 144 传统 比赛 挑战 海上 男儿们 心脏 跳动声 有史以来 参赛 女子 水手们 呼吸声 以及 为了 获得 荣誉 至高 银杯 竭尽全力 国家 11 联队 心愿

The hearts of the sailors race as they carry on 144 years of tradition ; new life has been brought in by the first ever all-women's crew , and the 11 syndicates , comprising 6 countries , willing to go all the way to win the sole honor , the " One_Hundred Guinea " Cup , have high expectations . (eng)

60791 一九八三年 第二十五 大会 成为 有史以来 冲击

The 25th America_'s_Cup , held in 1983 , was the most spectacular year in the Cup 's history . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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