4 Results for: (Concept:80002187-v)
61149 此时 进去 禁止 上门 访问 今天 继续

The banning of door-to-door canvassing that had been incorporated into that law at the time still continues to exist today . (eng)

61150 于是 无论是 候选人 还是 选民 上门 访问 宣传 政策 寻求 支持 选举 运动 出发点 诀窍 至今 没有 体会 出来

And both candidates and voters have come down to this day without learning or experiencing the know-how of " door-to-door canvassing , " which is fundamentally the original form of the election campaign seeking voter support by appealing their policies to the public ... (eng)

61159 现在 立即 解除 采用 上门 访问 方式 选举 运动 禁令 根本 可能

It would simply be impossible to lift the ban on election campaigns by door-to-door canvassing right this minute . (eng)

61204 开始 提供 上门 服务 七六年

The first commercial takuhaibin services ( door-to-door parcel delivery service by truck ) were in 1976 . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>