2 Results for: (Concept:80002185-n)
60167 美国 一月 四日 共和党 握有 主导权 议会 启动 主张 采取 强硬 措施 议会 克林顿 政权 展开 攻势 必然 趋势

It is considered inescapable that the new Congress led by the Republican_Party , starting on January 4th , will assert a tough line against Russia and place strong pressure on the Clinton administration . (eng)

61830 美国 民主党 共和党 共同 分享 政权 议会 主导权 权力 分担 已经 成为 政治 传统

In the US , the " power sharing " where Democrats and Republicans share the leadership in the administration and the Congress has been the tradition of the postwar politics . (eng)

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