6 Results for: (Concept:80002177-n)
61685 同时 总会 提出 日经 劳动 问题 研究 委员会 报告 重振 日本 经济 经营者 劳资 课题

At the same time , the report , titled " Revitalization of the Japanese_Economy and Challenges_for_Employers , Labor and Management " presented by the Nikkeiren 's labor issue study committee at the general meeting states as follows . (eng)

61696 如果 劳方 责任 的话 处于 能够 大幅度 获得 加薪 经济 形势 过于 偏重 劳资 协调

If anything , where labor may have been to blame is their preoccupation with cooperating with management even during the times when the economic climate was such that they could have won substantial wage increases . (eng)

61702 今年 春季 劳资 斗争 联合 加薪 要求 表示 方法 比率 表示 转变 数额 表示 目标 获得 包括 定期 提薪额 5600 日元 在内 14000 日元

After switching its demand from percentage-based increases to one based on amount from this year 's spring offensive , Rengo 's target is for 14,000_yen , including an annual pay raise of 5,600_yen . (eng)

61710 进而 因为 联盟 方面 强调 行业 劳资 自行 决定 增加 春季 劳资 斗争 复杂性

Moreover , Rengo is strongly promoting the independent agreement between the labor and the management in each industry , which is increasing the complexity of the spring offensive . (eng)

61710 进而 因为 联盟 方面 强调 行业 劳资 自行 决定 增加 春季 劳资 斗争 复杂性

Moreover , Rengo is strongly promoting the independent agreement between the labor and the management in each industry , which is increasing the complexity of the spring offensive . (eng)

61715 春斗 正式 开始 之前 强烈 要求 劳资 双方 努力 创造 这样 社会

On the eve of the real kick-off of the spring labor offensive , we urge both labor and management to make efforts to create such a society . (eng)

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