2 Results for: (Concept:80002061-a)
101969 部分 亚洲 地区 十分 著名 乌打 马来 大脑 因为 柔软 口感 大脑 相似

The recipe is known in several Asian regions, and although otak otak means “brains” in Malay, it’s a name derived from its soft, mushy texture. (eng)

102079 这些 土生 华人 相信 美食 独特 味道 源自 rempah 各种 调料 使用 特定 质地 配料

Peranakans believe that the distinct flavour of their recipes owes itself to the “rempah”, a combination of spices with a very specific texture and density that is pounded into a paste with a pestle and mortar. (eng)

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