2 Results for: (Concept:80002020-n)
61090 桥本 辽阔 巴西 采集 植物 标本 水坝 原野 淹没 绝迹 种类 因此 具有 学术性 宝贵 价值

The botanical samples collected by Hashimoto all across the large country are of great academic value , with some species that have gone extinct in the wild due to the submersion of fields by dam construction . (eng)

61290 大概 应该 作为 物理 学界 整个 科学界 主题 认真 讨论 日本 做到 学术性 价值 贡献 什么 怎样 推进 国际 合作 问题

There should be serious discussions about what are the scientifically valuable contributions Japan can make , and how Japan should push ahead with international cooperation as the overall focus in the world of physics and science . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>