6 Results for: (Concept:80001953-v)
60670 成田 新年 参拜 人数 3500

The Naritasan temple saw 3,500 people paying on the first visit of the year . (eng)

60673 参拜 神社 佛堂 道路 三十一日 夜晚 黑压压 挤满 焦急 等待 新年 拜谒 人们

On the night of December 31 , approaches to temples and shrines nationwide were jam-packed with people who could not wait until New_Year_'s_Day to pay the year 's first visit . (eng)

60673 参拜 神社 佛堂 道路 三十一日 夜晚 黑压压 挤满 焦急 等待 新年 拜谒 人们

On the night of December 31 , approaches to temples and shrines nationwide were jam-packed with people who could not wait until New_Year_'s_Day to pay the year 's first visit . (eng)

60674 明治 神宫 晚上 十点 之后 挤满 前来 参拜 人们

The precinct of Meiji_Shrine was full of visitors after 10:00 p.m. (eng)

60677 估计 明治 神宫 新年 参拜 人数 去年 持平 三百五十五万

The Meiji_Shrine expects about 3,550,000 visitors , almost the same number as last year , over the first three days of the New_Year . (eng)

61112 大社 参拜 人数 凌晨 零点 去年 减少 大约 三万八千 六万七千

As of midnight , the number of visitors to Sumiyoshi_Shrine was counted to be at around 67,000 , 38,000 less than in the previous year . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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