9 Results for: (Concept:80001866-n)
11903 One day , the Lord Buddha was strolling around the edge of the lotus lake in heaven .
11907 By and by , the Lord Buddha stopped at the edge of the lake and peered between the lotus leaves that covered its surface , for a quick glance at the situation below .
11909 A great thief called Kandata caught the Lord 's eyes , as he writhed with the other sinners in the depths of hell .
11910 This man Kandata has done all kinds of crimes from arson to murder , however the Lord Buddha remembered the one good deed that he had done .
11916 While the Lord Buddha was observing hell , he remembered that Kandata once spared the life of a spider .
11918 Fortunately , when the Lord Buddha looked to his side , a spider of heaven was spinning a beautiful silver thread on a jade - colored lotus leaf .
11919 The Lord carefully raised the thread in his hand and lowered the tip between the pearl-white lotuses , straight toward the far away depths of hell .
11959 Standing by the side of the lotus lake in heaven , Lord Buddha observed the whole incident .
11963 The pearl-white flowers gently swayed their seed pods around Lord Buddha 's feet .

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