4 Results for: (Concept:80001851-n)
61150 于是 无论是 候选人 还是 选民 上门 访问 宣传 政策 寻求 支持 选举 运动 出发点 诀窍 至今 没有 体会 出来

And both candidates and voters have come down to this day without learning or experiencing the know-how of " door-to-door canvassing , " which is fundamentally the original form of the election campaign seeking voter support by appealing their policies to the public ... (eng)

61151 日本 五十 周年 阶段 再次 回到 选区 意义 可以 回到 开始 实行 选举 英明 举措 出发点

It has been fifty years since the end of World_War_II and at this juncture Japan has decided to revisit the single-seat consituency system , that is " the original point where the wise system known as the election began . " (eng)

61864 自民党 必须 深刻 认识 现状 大会 开成 回到 宣誓 再生 改革 出发点 彻底 讨论 大会

The LDP must strictly recognize the current situation of the party , go back to square one where they pledged for rejuvenation and reform , and make the convention a forum to thoroughly examine these issues . (eng)

62092 但是 如前 指出 那样 叶利钦 政权 大大 偏离 推进 民主化 改革 初衷 正在 加强 民主 强权 色彩 封闭性

However , as pointed out before , the Yeltsin administration has deviated from its original idea of promoting democracy and reform to adopt increasingly anti-democratic , iron-fisted closed-door policies . (eng)

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