5 Results for: (Concept:80001801-n)
11085 克鲁 附近 火车 事故 丧生

Mind you , she is a truthful woman , Mr. Holmes , and whatever trouble there may have been in her past life it has been no fault of hers . (eng)

11097 星期 铁匠 栏杆 扔进 小河 只是 花掉 收罗 以后 避免 当众 出丑

I showed it to Elsie , and down she dropped in a dead faint . (eng)

11552 外面 偶尔 传来 猫头鹰 叫声 我们 传来 长长 猫叫似 哀鸣 说明 印度 猎豹 确实 到处

The least that you owe her is to make it clear to the whole world that she was in no way , directly or indirectly , responsible for his tragic end . " (eng)

11553 我们 听到 远处 教堂 深沉 钟声 一刻钟 沉重 敲响

" I ask nothing better , " said the American . (eng) " I guess the very best case I can make for myself is the absolute naked truth . " (eng)

101850 如果 无法 满足 期望 不妨 动物园 夜间 野生 动物园 Night Safari 裕廊 飞禽 公园 Jurong Bird Park 一遭

And if that 's not enough , you can make a trip to the Zoo , Night_Safari or Jurong_Bird_Park for an up-close encounter with some of the world 's most ferocious and rarest species . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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