6 Results for: (Concept:80001305-n)
101823 起源 印尼 巴东 位于 苏门答腊 西 海岸 城市 白米 以及 各种 肉类 蔬菜

102232 一般 食用 可以 搭配 不同 巴东 享用

It is rare to find Ren dang on its own, as it is often eaten with a variety of dishes in Nasi Padang . (eng)

102234 古老 甘榜 格南 坎大哈 巴东 坐落 不少 巴东 餐馆 咖喱 牛肉 远近 闻名

The Nasi Padang belt of Kandahar Street, located at the historic Kampong Glam area, houses numerous Nasi Padang stalls which are known for their tender and aromatic Rendang. (eng)

102234 古老 甘榜 格南 坎大哈 巴东 坐落 不少 巴东 餐馆 咖喱 牛肉 远近 闻名

The Nasi Padang belt of Kandahar Street, located at the historic Kampong Glam area, houses numerous Nasi Padang stalls which are known for their tender and aromatic Rendang. (eng)

102338 著名 马来 餐厅 位于 古老 甘榜 格南 坎大哈 卡保 菜肴 巴东 尤为 出名

This well known Malay restaurant , specialising in Minangkabau cuisine , is located along Kandahar_Street in historical Kampong_Glam , famous for its Nasi_Padang . (eng)

102340 沙巴 明南地 餐厅 巴东 绝对 正宗

Sabar_Menanti_Restaurant serves truly authentic Nasi_Padang . (eng)

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