10 Results for: (Concept:80001268-n)
11900 The Spider 's Thread
11918 Fortunately , when the Lord Buddha looked to his side , a spider of heaven was spinning a beautiful silver thread on a jade - colored lotus leaf .
11919 The Lord carefully raised the thread in his hand and lowered the tip between the pearl-white lotuses , straight toward the far away depths of hell .
11926 By chance , Kandata raised his head and glanced at the sky of the lake of blood , when from the still darkness , far , far away , a silver thread ever thin and shining , as if fearful of others ' eyes , slithered down toward him .
11928 If he held onto this thread and climbed and climbed , he must be able to get out of hell .
11931 As soon as he thought this , Kandata promptly grabbed the spider 's thread firmly with both hands and climbed upwards with all his might .
11939 While grabbing onto the spider 's thread with both hands , he laughed with a voice he had not used for years , " Yes !
11941 However , he noticed below on the spider 's thread were an uncountable number of sinners following his climb , like a procession of ants determined to climb continuously upwards .
11943 How could the spider 's thread , so thin that it almost seemed to break with his weight alone , bear the weight of that many people ?
11946 But even while he contemplated this , sinners in hundreds and thousands were swarming up , in one line , hurriedly climbing up the thinly shining spider 's thread from the pitch dark lake of blood below .

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