10 Results for: (Concept:80000901-a)
61233 " Japanese can make more of an international contribution in areas where they are prepared to give wisdom and ideas . We need people who can with self-confidence take leadership in pulling forward international society . We need people who harbor a sense of mission in wanting to be useful to international society and who have a constant interest in what is important in the world . It is necessary to educate and train large numbers of such people . "
61245 Reasons for the relatively small number of international civil servants include such things as insufficient linguistic skills and dissatisfaction over job conditions like salary levels which may be lower than what one might aspire to on the domestic scene .
100133 The linked sites are NOT under the control of the STB and the STB is NOT responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site , or any changes or updates to such sites .
100164 The Singapore_Tourism_Board ( " STB " ) or any of its employees , servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss suffered by any person , body or organisation as a result of any error or omission in the data , information , materials or documentation provided in the Statistical or other Publications , whether or not such loss was suffered as a result of reliance on such data , information , materials or documentation .
100164 The Singapore_Tourism_Board ( " STB " ) or any of its employees , servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss suffered by any person , body or organisation as a result of any error or omission in the data , information , materials or documentation provided in the Statistical or other Publications , whether or not such loss was suffered as a result of reliance on such data , information , materials or documentation .
100187 In the event that you use the slides / video tapes / CD-ROMs in any manner which breaches clause 2 above , whether for your own benefit or otherwise , you agree to keep STB fully indemnified against all losses and all actions claims proceedings costs and damages and all legal costs or other expenses arising out of any such use or out of any claim by a third party based on your non-authorised use of the slides / video tapes / CD-ROMs .
100390 Katong also has numerous cafés and old-world coffeeshops like Chin_Mee_Chin and excellent culinary fixtures such as Sin_Hoi_Sai coffeeshop and Five_Star_Hainanese_Chicken_Rice , all within a short walking distance of one another .
100421 Dedicated to fine furniture and lifestyle items , this posh mall close to Orchard_Road has more than 60 stores focused on such products and the latest homeware designs from leading brands like Philippe_Starck .
101230 The laksa 's versatility has allowed it to incorporate a Western palate in recent times , giving rise to fusion dishes such as the laksa pasta , which , although is not quite the real deal , is still delicious nonetheless .
101231 The most famous laksa lemak recipe can be found in an area in Singapore called Katong , where the noodles are cut up such that that they can be slurped directly from a soup spoon , without the need for chopsticks .

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