7 Results for: (Concept:80000853-n)
60118 At the summit , the ministers will talk about diverse issues , including the development of an optical fiber network , standardization of information communications , and digitization of the public sector , aiming at the establishment of an information and communications infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region in the multi-media age , and this summit is planned to be held annually afterwards , taking the initiative in the promotion of information technology in the region .
60119 APII will be the Asia-Pacific version of the U.S. - led global information and communications infrastructure .
61663 Prime Minister_Murayama , on his own accord , told the president , " the Japan-US security alliance is necessary for stability and order in the Asia-Pacific . "
61666 In that case , how does our redefining the security treaty relate to the " stability and order in the Asia-Pacific ? "
61670 If he is not fully aware of this Far_East clause , it does not make sense for the prime minister to mention the security treaty in connection with the stability and order of the Asia-Pacific .
61671 Are they trying to change the Far_East clause to the " Asia-Pacific clause ? "
101627 From a humble troupe of seven ballet dancers practising in an old studio on Killiney_Road , the Singapore_Dance_Theatre has evolved into a well- patronised performing arts group comprising 24 dancers pre-dominantly from the Asia_Pacific region .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>