5 Results for: (Concept:80000853-n)
60116 [ 亚太 经合 组织 今年 五月 即将 汉城 召开 信息 通信 部长们 参加 APEC 信息 首脑 会议

The Asia_Pacific_Economic_Cooperation forum will hold an " APEC_Information_Summit " in May this year , gathering the ministers in charge of information and communications in Seoul . (eng)

60118 为了 完善 多媒体 时代 目标 亚太 信息 通信 基础 设施 根据 扩充 光纤网 信息 通信 标准化 公共 领域 信息化 广泛 内容 进行 协商 方针 今后 召开 例行 会议 发挥 推进 [ 亚太 地区 信息化 指挥塔 作用

At the summit , the ministers will talk about diverse issues , including the development of an optical fiber network , standardization of information communications , and digitization of the public sector , aiming at the establishment of an information and communications infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region in the multi-media age , and this summit is planned to be held annually afterwards , taking the initiative in the promotion of information technology in the region . (eng)

60118 为了 完善 多媒体 时代 目标 亚太 信息 通信 基础 设施 根据 扩充 光纤网 信息 通信 标准化 公共 领域 信息化 广泛 内容 进行 协商 方针 今后 召开 例行 会议 发挥 推进 [ 亚太 地区 信息化 指挥塔 作用

At the summit , the ministers will talk about diverse issues , including the development of an optical fiber network , standardization of information communications , and digitization of the public sector , aiming at the establishment of an information and communications infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region in the multi-media age , and this summit is planned to be held annually afterwards , taking the initiative in the promotion of information technology in the region . (eng)

60119 APII 美国 倡导 全球 信息 通信 基础 亚太

APII will be the Asia-Pacific version of the U.S. - led global information and communications infrastructure . (eng)

102485 当初 新加坡 舞剧 只是 简陋 剧团 7 芭蕾舞 只能 基里尼 工作室 排练 如今 剧团 已经 发展 得到 多方 赞助 表演 艺术 团体 拥有 24 来自 亚太 地区 顶尖 舞者

From a humble troupe of seven ballet dancers practising in an old studio on Killiney_Road , the Singapore_Dance_Theatre has evolved into a well- patronised performing arts group comprising 24 dancers pre-dominantly from the Asia_Pacific region . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>