2 Results for: (Concept:80000805-v)
100949 萝卜糕 过程 十分 有趣 摊主 煎蛋 一样 食材 切成 方块 发出 锵锵 砰砰 声音 必定 不忍 移开 目光

The process of cooking carrot cake is a fun-filled one , with hawkers chopping the omelette-like dish on their hot plates into squares ; there 's a lot of clanging sounds , chopping thuds and quite a bit of theatre , so stick around to see your dish being whipped up . (eng)

102862 山脊 通道 不仅 能够 360 俯瞰 新加坡 全景 野花 斑斓 鸟儿 同样 倾心不已 不忍 放下 相机

With 360- degree views of the city , it is one of the best spots in Singapore to catch panoramic views of the city , the harbour and the Southern_Islands . (eng) The splendour of the wild flowers and brightly coloured birds will also leave photographers spoilt for choice . (eng)

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