3 Results for: (Concept:80000788-a)
60061 航空界 上层 人物 叫苦不迭 如此 下去 航空 公司 早晚 成为 第二 赤字 充斥 国铁 JR 公司 首脑 因为 交通费 住宿费 服务费 国内外 价格 增大 警告 人们 产业 空洞化 现象 制造业 不断 其他 行业 扩展

Leaders of the airline industry cried , " The airline industry will soon become nothing but the second National_Railways_Corporation , which suffered from losses , " while executives of JR companies are warning against the increasing difference in the price of transportation , hotel , and service fees between Japan and overseas , saying , " de-industrialization is spreading from manufacturing industries to others . " (eng)

100292 著名 禅师 —— 释法照 法师 设计 海内外 顾问 团队 帮助 得以 修建

The building was conceptualised and designed by local venerable Shi_Fa_Zhao , aided by a team of local and overseas consultants . (eng)

101677 除了 名店 汇聚 之外 这里 美味 餐厅 咖啡馆 使 滨海 金沙 成为 海内外 娱乐 聚会 场所

Besides offering the best in retail shopping , there will also be an eclectic mix of gourmet restaurants and cool cafes , making Marina_Bay_Sands the hangout du jour for visitors and locals alike . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>