10 Results for: (Concept:80000732-n)
10005 It is perhaps as well that the facts should now come to light , for I have reasons to know that there are widespread rumours as to the death of Dr. Grimesby Roylott which tend to make the matter even more terrible than the truth .
10023 This is my intimate friend and associate , Dr. Watson , before whom you can speak as freely as before myself .
10074 " When Dr. Roylott was in India he married my mother , Mrs. Stoner , the young widow of Major-General Stoner , of the Bengal Artillery .
10076 She had a considerable sum of money -- not less than 1000 pounds a year -- and this she bequeathed to Dr. Roylott entirely while we resided with him , with a provision that a certain annual sum should be allowed to each of us in the event of our marriage .
10078 Dr. Roylott then abandoned his attempts to establish himself in practice in London and took us to live with him in the old ancestral house at Stoke Moran .
10101 Of these bedrooms the first is Dr. Roylott 's , the second my sister 's , and the third my own .
10106 That fatal night Dr. Roylott had gone to his room early , though we knew that he had not retired to rest , for my sister was troubled by the smell of the strong Indian cigars which it was his custom to smoke .
10165 " He investigated the case with great care , for Dr. Roylott 's conduct had long been notorious in the county , but he was unable to find any satisfactory cause of death .
10330 " This , I take it , belongs to the room in which you used to sleep , the centre one to your sister 's , and the one next to the main building to Dr. Roylott 's chamber ? "
11483 I at once came to Norfolk with my friend and colleague , Dr. Watson , but , unhappily , only in time to find that the worst had already occurred . "

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