10 Results for: (Concept:80000658-x)
11032 " Why , Holmes , it is a child 's drawing , " I cried .
11271 " Why , Mr. Holmes , the crime was only committed at three this morning .
13404 ' '' Why , if it is n't Mr. Phelps , of the office ! '' she cried .
46259 ' Why , yes , ' said he , ' and the strange thing is , Mr Sherlock Holmes , that if my friend here had not proposed coming round to you this morning I should have come on my own .
46337 ' Why , of course , that would explain it .
46367 ' Why , no , Mr Holmes .
46596 ' Why , you look very serious over it . '
46621 ' No - or , let me see - why , yes .
46755 ' Why , there 's no good my telling you things , for you seem to know as much as I do already , ' said he .
47278 ' Why , who do you think this is ? '


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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>