3 Results for: (Concept:80000650-n)
100263 舞团 成员 印度 南部 喀拉拉 接受 特别 培训 多彩 妆扮 动作 眼神 精妙 配合 闻名

Troupe members have been specially trained in Kerala , South_India , well-known for its use of colourful make-up , and intricate hand and eye co-ordination . (eng)

100877 最初 制作者 新加坡 马来亚 来自 印度 喀拉拉 印度 族裔 他们 鲷鱼 鱼头 蔬菜 咖喱 一起 酸酸 罗望子 调味 终于 造就 难忘 鱼头 招牌

Originally created by Singapore's Malayalee ( an Indian ethnic group from the Southern_Indian state of Kerala ) community , it is prepared by stewing the head of an ikan merah ( red snapper fish ) in a spicy-hot curry with vegetables ; with the sour-tasting tamarind flavour an unmistakable signature of this dish . (eng)

101299 印度 包括 源自 喀拉拉 Kerala 可口 海鲜

South Indian cuisine also includes delectable seafood dishes from Kerala. (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>