3 Results for: (Concept:80000638-n)
100479 期间 城市 街道 生机盎然 随处 传统 音乐 随处 可见 大红 灯笼 高高 景象 遍及 新加坡 各个 社区 夜市 摊位 诱人 香味

During this time , the streets of the city come alive with the sounds of traditional music , the sights of hanging red lanterns and the tantalising smells wafting from the many night stalls set-up in various neighbourhoods throughout Singapore . (eng)

100480 著名 牛车水 街道 妆点 张灯结彩 灯火 辉煌 夜市 流光溢彩 装饰品 相映成趣 新加坡 农历 新年 庆祝 活动 焦点

One such precinct is Chinatown , which , with its stunning street light-ups , night markets and decorations , is the focal point for Chinese_New_Year celebrations in Singapore . (eng)

100637 牛车水 ( Chinatown ) 印度 ( Little India ) 阿拉伯街 ( Arab Street , ) 购买 自己 感兴趣 珠宝 首饰 牛车水 夜市 小摊 筷子 各色 包包 作为 礼物

Pick up some interesting curios and quirky jewellery at neighbourhoods like Chinatown , Little_India and Arab_Street , and find gifts such as chopstick sets , paper dragons and appliquéd bags at street stalls in the Chinatown_Night_Market . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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