3 Results for: (Concept:80000442-n)
60960 现在 姆古姆 水电站 电力 泰国 出口 外汇 总额 四分之一

Presently , electricity from the Nam_Ngum_Dam is exported to Thailand , accounting for one-quarter of Laos ' foreign currency . (eng)

60963 建设 这个 大型 水电站 不仅 存在 破坏 森林 淹没 村庄 环境 问题 引起 下流 海水 侵入 洪水泛滥 问题

Construction of large dams not only causes environmental problems such as the destruction of forests or submersion of villages , but also problems such as flooding and the intrusion of sea water into downstream areas . (eng)

60975 联合国 日本 美国 欧洲 支援 综合 开发 立项 基本 数据 收集 支流 水电站 建设 取得 成果

With the support of the United_Nations , European countries , the U.S. and Japan , developments such as dam construction on tributaries , basic data collection and general development planning have been accomplished . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>