7 Results for: (Concept:80000430-n)
100097 自助餐 随意 选择 各种 印度 素食 菜肴 低调 餐厅 回馈 社会 伟大 理念 融入 美食 之中

With a wide variety of Indian vegetarian dishes in its buffet spread , this unpretentious restaurant definitely puts great thought into its food , besides giving back to the society . (eng)

100585 徜徉 这个 多元化 城市 之中 可以 品尝 马来西亚 清真 印度 素食 thali 印度 naans briyani 广东 点心 海南 鸡饭 北京 烤鸭 福建 中国 福建省 以及 薄饼 春卷 这些 菜式 新加坡 饮食 中心 餐馆 随处 可见

Take a stroll around the diverse neighbourhoods and you 'll come across halal Malay food , South_Indian vegetarian thali , North_Indian naans and briyani , Cantonese dim sum , Hainanese chicken rice , Peking duck , Hokkien mee ( fried noodles from the China_'s_Fujian_Province ) and popiah ( spring rolls ) , available in food centres and restaurants across Singapore . (eng)

100595 首先 出场 素食 印度 thosai 海鲜 以及 椰汁 咖喱 杂菜

The first features vegetarian thosai , seafood dishes and fiery curries enriched with coconut milk . (eng)

101297 印度 餐馆 菜单 通常 温和 咖哩 滑腻 酸奶 唐杜里 Tandoori 粘土 唐杜里 印度 烙饼 小扁豆 甜点 以及 甜食 印度 餐馆 比如 Annalakshmi 提供 素食 印度 thosai 以及 咖喱

A North Indian menu at a restaurant like Spices of India features mild curries, creamy yogurt based dishes, tandoori items baked in a tandoori or clay oven, fluffy naan breads, lentils, desserts and milk-based sweetmeats, while a South Indian restaurant such as Annalakshmi offers you vegetarian thosai and fiery curries enriched with coconut milk. (eng)

101298 印度 素菜 通常 蔬菜 泡菜 酸辣酱 和面 香蕉 叶子

Often served on a banana leaf or a thali, vegetarian meals consist of vegetables, pickles, chutney and bread. (eng)

101622 走进 美食 中心 马来 餐馆 马来 —— 米饭 各种 素菜 —— 尽情 享受

Visit a Malay stall at any food centre and take your pick of nasi padang – a wide variety of spicy meat, fish, poultry, and vegetable dishes, served with rice. (eng)

102807 大约 时间 这些 信徒 必须 禁食 严格 饮用 素食

For a period of about a month , the devotee must live a life of abstinence whilst maintaining a strict vegetarian diet . (eng)

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