9 Results for: (Concept:80000428-n)
100389 最初 粿条 通常 渔民 农民 夜间 售卖 以此 增加 收入 他们 饭菜 加工 小吃 因此 粿条 制法 许多

In its early days , char kway teow was mostly sold by fishermen and farmers who doubled up as food peddlers at night to supplement their income ; they used to use leftovers from meals to whip up this dish , hence its multiple ingredient mix . (eng)

100389 最初 粿条 通常 渔民 农民 夜间 售卖 以此 增加 收入 他们 饭菜 加工 小吃 因此 粿条 制法 许多

In its early days , char kway teow was mostly sold by fishermen and farmers who doubled up as food peddlers at night to supplement their income ; they used to use leftovers from meals to whip up this dish , hence its multiple ingredient mix . (eng)

100390 粿条 扁平 米粉 类似 意大利面 生抽 老抽 马来煎 belachan 罗望子 豆芽 韭菜 腊肠 以及 鸟蛤 一起 翻炒

Char kway teow, loosely translated as “stir-fried rice cake strips”, is made by stir-frying flat rice noodles (similar to the Italian tagliatelle) with light and dark soy sauce, a dash of belachan (shrimp paste), tamarind juice, bean sprouts, Chinese chives, lap cheong (Chinese sausages) and cockles. (eng)

100392 近年来 粿条 越来越 健康 各个 摊档主 添加 蔬菜 减少 过多

In recent years , the dish as evolved into a healthier version with hawkers serving up more greens and adding less oil . (eng)

100395 新加坡 多数 美食 中心 粿条 小摊 麦士威 熟食 中心 公主 露台 餐厅 招牌 名菜

Char kway teow is easily available at most food centres in Singapore , such as at the Maxwell_Road_Hawker_Centre , and it 's also a signature dish at the Princess_Terrace_Café . (eng)

100396 选择 鸟蛤 或是 搭配 冒着 热气 粿条 尽情 享受 丰盛 美味

Choose from either cockles or prawns to go with a plate of sizzling hot char kway teow , and have a hearty meal that satisfies your sinful cravings . (eng)

100397 如果 前往 祖卡 酒吧 享受 夜生活 不妨 附近 锡安 熟食 中心 无需 寻找 长龙 顾客 就是 最好 地标 欢迎 摊档 享受 美味 粿条

If you 're heading to Zouk for a spot of clubbing , then why not stop off at the nearby Zion_Road_Hawker_Centre ( no need to mention the stall here ; you 'll recognise it instantly from its long queues of eager customers ) for a scrumptious plate of this famous dish from a much-lauded , famous hawker . (eng)

101699 麦士威 熟食 中心 拥有 不少 不可 招牌 包括 著名 天天 鸡饭 传统 美食 皮蛋 瘦肉 闻名遐迩 Zhen Zhen Porridge Marina South Delicious Food 粿条 欢迎

Some must-try items here at Maxwell_Road_Hawker_Market include the famous Tian_Tian_Chicken_Rice , the traditional congee with pork and century egg from Zhen_Zhen_Porridge stall and the popular char kway teow from the Marina_South_Delicious_Food stall . (eng)

102170 这里 著名 自助餐 包括 叻沙 粿条 经典 小吃 垂涎欲滴

This famous buffet features a wide range of classic favourites such as prawn noodles , laksa , popiah and char kway teow that will make your mouth water . (eng)

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