4 Results for: (Concept:80000427-n)
60146 稍微 压制 新进党 党首 海部俊树 23% 榜首

He led by a narrow margin over Toshiki_Kaifu , head of Shinshinto ( the New_Frontier_Party ) , who garnered 23_% . (eng)

60156 里面 重要 原因 不少 议员 推举 新进党 党首 羽田孜

This is largely attributable to the fact that there were more than a few members who mentioned the name of Tsutomu_Hata , deputy chief of the NFP . (eng)

60158 假如 残存 党首 选举 造成 隔阂 的话 羽田 声望 也许 新进党 来说 反而 成为 风波 主要 原因

If there is still some ill-feeling left from the presidential election , the Hata 's popularity might cause trouble in the party . (eng)

61973 据说 听取 村山富市 首相 施政 方针 演说 代表 提问 以及 预算 委员会 在野 新进党 海部 俊树 党首 推举 明天 内阁 阁员 挑起 类型 论战

It has been reported that during the question period and the appropriation committee meeting following the administrative policy speech by Prime_Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama , the opposition New_Frontier_Party will introduce the Ministers of the " Tomorrow Cabinet " led by the party head Toshiki_Kaifu and will challenge the government with a debate in an unconventional way . (eng)

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