6 Results for: (Concept:80000421-n)
61579 方面 基于 框架 协议 5万 重油 提供 预计 实施

In the meantime , it is expected that 50,000_tons of crude oil will be supplied to North_Korea during this week , based on the US-North_Korea " basic framework agreement . " (eng)

61580 北朝鲜 重油 11日 开始 装船

They began loading a tanker with crude oil for North_Korea on the 11th . (eng)

61585 协议 约定 北朝鲜 达成 协议 之内 冻结 试验 反应堆 设施 美国 开始 提供 重油

In the US-North_Korea agreement , North_Korea has promised to freeze its nuclear facilities including experimental reactors within a month of signing the agreement , while the US has assured it will begin supplying crude oil within three months . (eng)

61593 交涉 首席 代表 加卢西 承诺 继续 北朝鲜 提供 重油 表示 自信

Mr._Gallucci , head of the US delegation for the US-North_Korea negotiations , seems confident that the crude oil supply to North_Korea will continue as promised . (eng)

61595 因为 [ 美国 国会 现状 难以 设想 全体 共和党 议员 支持 反对 北朝鲜 提供 重油 决议案

Considering the present state of Congress , it is hard to imagine that all Republican congressmen will support the resolution to oppose the crude oil supply to North_Korea . (eng)

61596 如果 美国 停止 提供 50万 重油 协议 北朝鲜 重新 开始 开发 的话 共和党 不得不 担负 这个 责任

If the agreed-upon provision of the annual supply of approximately 500,000_tons of heavy oil is canceled and North_Korea resumes its nuclear program , the Republican_Party will be blamed . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>