5 Results for: (Concept:80000389-n)
61118 教师 公司 职员 组成 自行车 运动 小组 [ 兵库县 石子路 今年 八月 朝鲜 民主主义 共和国 首都 平壤 北上 越过 国境 到达 中国 丹东 骑车 二百 公里

A cycling group comprising teachers and company workers , " Hyogo_Ishikoro_Association , " plans to travel by bicycle about 200_kilometers from Pyongyang , the capital of the Democratic_People_'s_Republic_of_Korea , across the border and northward to Tantung , China , in August this year . (eng)

61123 由于 他们 中国 实践 [ 中国 政府 敦促 [ 北朝鲜 政府 接受 计划 神户 [ 朝鲜 总联 兵库县 总部 支持

The Chinese government also recommended the plan to Pyongyang , based on their past achievements in China , and the Hyogo office of the pro-Pyongyang General_Association_of_Korean_Residents in Japan , located in Kobe , joined the campaign as well . (eng)

61929 兵库县 19日 夜间 30万 避难 生活 由于 粮食 暖气 缺少 加深 疲劳

As of the evening of the 19th , nearly 300,000 people are continuing to live in evacuation centers in Hyogo_Prefecture , and the depleting supplies of water , food and heaters are compounding their fatigue . (eng)

61936 兵库县 黑暗 人们 食物 不足 困扰 然而 同一 夜晚 相邻 大阪 繁华 大街 霓虹 闪烁 饮食店 热闹 非凡

The same evening when the victims of the earthquake are suffering from inadequate supplies of water and food , neon lights illuminate the streets and restaurants are doing brisk business downtown in neighboring Osaka . (eng)

62116 自卫队 此时 当然 应该 努力 掌握 情况 但是 毋宁 应该 兵库县 方面 请求 出动 迟缓 加以 反省 研究

While it goes without saying that , under these circumstances , the SDF should make an effort to assess the situation , it seems that the delay in requesting the SDF action by the Hyogo prefectural government could use some soul-searching and investigation , if anything . (eng)

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