10 Results for: (Concept:80000387-v)
60007 此外 据说 杜达耶夫 总统 现在 正在 前来 谈判 俄罗斯 议会 代表团 成员 一起 防空洞 避难 平安无事

Also , President_Dudayev was said to be safe , taking refuge in a bomb shelter together with the delegation from the Russian_Federal_Assembly with whom he had been negotiating . (eng)

61868 20万 避难 生活

Two_hundred_thousand people are being forced to live in evacuation shelters . (eng)

61914 据说 建筑物 40% 受到 损害 300万 避难 生活

Forty percent of buildings would be damaged and three_million people would be forced to live in evacuation shelters . (eng)

61929 兵库县 19日 夜间 30万 避难 生活 由于 粮食 暖气 缺少 加深 疲劳

As of the evening of the 19th , nearly 300,000 people are continuing to live in evacuation centers in Hyogo_Prefecture , and the depleting supplies of water , food and heaters are compounding their fatigue . (eng)

61938 战争 灾害 避难 生活 区别

This is the difference from living as evacuees in the ashes of war . (eng)

61948 随着 避难 生活 延长 厕所 澡堂 不足 日益 严重

As life in the shelters drags on for the evacuees , the lack of toilets and baths is becoming a serious problem . (eng)

61960 政府 执政党 在野党 重要 应该 首先 竭尽全力 致力于 阪神 地震 灾害 修复 对策 采取 万无一失 措施 使 灾民 尽早 摆脱 避难 生活 恢复 稳定 日常 生活 同时 努力 建立 通过 震灾 教训 得到 根本 防震 防灾 对策

The government as well as ruling and opposition parties first and foremost must concentrate their efforts on emergency recovery measures related to the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake , and in addition to taking action to help the victims to return to a stable daily life outside of the shelters as soon as possible , it should work on establishing the fundamental anti-earthquake and disaster prevention measures utilizing the lessons they have learned from the latest earthquake . (eng)

62047 虽然 目前 30万多 被迫 避难 场所 方便 生活 但是 随着 时间 流逝 金钱 问题 必然 成为 问题

At present , more than 300,000 evacuees are still forced to live in the shelters with great inconvenience , and it is obvious that the financial problem will grow as time goes by . (eng)

62049 虽然 银行 金融 机构 正在 那些 没有 携带 银行 存折 银行卡 避难 人们 借贷 目前 需要 资金 但是 必须 [ 日本 银行 协作 供给 充足 资金

Financial institutions including banks are lending necessary funds for immediate use to the evacuees who had fled from their homes with their bankbooks and cards left behind , and there is a need for them to supply enough funds to the victims in cooperation with the Bank_of_Japan . (eng)

62120 据说 混乱 物资 供给 负责人 甚至 灾民 哪里 避难 全面 掌握 情况

It has been reported that in the chaos there were cases where those in charge of supplies did not have a firm grip on where the victims were taking refuge . (eng)

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