10 Results for: (Concept:80000386-n)
60098 但是 民社党 大部分 议员 加入 新进党 先驱 合作 稳定 因此 合作 对象 确定

However , while almost all the members of the former Democratic_Socialist_Party participated in the New_Frontier_Party , we have not yet decided our partner , as our connections with New_Party_Sakigake are still unstable . (eng)

60101 但是 民社党 加入 新进党

However , the Democratic_Socialist_Party participated in the New_Frontier_Party . (eng)

60102 [ 民改联 为了 夏季 参议院 选举 获得 新进党 支持 犹豫不决

The Democratic_Reform_Party is hesitating to participate , as they would like to gain support from the New_Frontier_Party in the Upper_House election scheduled for this summer . (eng)

60113 因此 很多 认为 即使 脱党 出于 选区 情况 左右 不得不 靠近 新进党

Therefore , it is increasingly regarded that " even if there are some secessionists , participants will be about ten members who can not help but approach the New_Frontier_Party , due to the situation of their electoral districts . " (eng)

60154 新进党 要求 尽快 解散 内阁 进行 大选 似乎 调查 结果 反映 他们 非常 希望 执政党 在野党 换位 →海部 政权 诞生

Members of the NFP , which demands an early dissolution and general election , wrote Kaifu 's name with a hope of the reversal of the ruling and opposition parties and the following creation of a Kaifu administration . (eng)

60155 但是 新进党 内部 党派 海部 支持 分散

However , the approval rating for Mr._Kaifu in the NFP varies among nine party factions . (eng)

60156 里面 重要 原因 不少 议员 推举 新进党 党首 羽田孜

This is largely attributable to the fact that there were more than a few members who mentioned the name of Tsutomu_Hata , deputy chief of the NFP . (eng)

60158 假如 残存 党首 选举 造成 隔阂 的话 羽田 声望 也许 新进党 来说 反而 成为 风波 主要 原因

If there is still some ill-feeling left from the presidential election , the Hata 's popularity might cause trouble in the party . (eng)

60165 65% 新进党 议员 推举 羽田 海部 40% 高出 二十五 百分点 声望

Mr._Hata outpolled Mr._Kaifu by 25_% in the NFP , 65_% to 40_% (eng)

60166 这样 明显 倾向 小泽 新进党 相当 好感 执政党 好感

The survey unveiled a remarkable tendency that Mr._Ozawa 's favorable rating was considerably high in the NFP , but extremely low in the ruling parties . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>