4 Results for: (Concept:80000369-n)
100954 空心 轻薄 香酥 红豆 莲蓉 实心 麻圆 香甜 可口

The plain versions are light and nutty , while those that are filled with sweet red bean or lotus seed paste are equally enjoyable . (eng)

101724 如果 充满 冒险 精神 初露头角 美食家 品尝 一下 莲蓉 蛋黄 传统 风味 榴莲 巧克力 咖啡 冰淇淋 外来 风味 可口 月饼 美味 馅料 长方形 圆形 面饼

101745 据说 月饼 原味 馅料 莲蓉 不过 红豆 山药 比较 普遍

The original filling for mooncakes is said to be lotus seed paste , but fillings like red bean paste and yam paste are also widespread . (eng)

102930 莲蓉 月饼 色泽 爱不释口 果仁 火腿 口味 干果 美味 火腿 交织 相辅相成

The white lotus paste mooncake is baked till golden brown , with a filling that is not as sweet as others , making it irresistible , while the mooncake with assorted nuts and Chinese ham is filled with crunchy nuts and savoury ham , a perfect balance of salty and sweet . (eng)

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