5 Results for: (Concept:80000367-n)
61296 今年 日本 韩国 迎来 邦交 正常化 30 周年

This year marks the 30th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and South_Korea . (eng)

61304 以后 30年 韩国 要求 强行 推进 日韩 邦交 正常化 总统 朴正熙 予以 重新 评价 呼声 日渐 高涨

Thirty years have gone by , and in South_Korea there is a growing opinion that there should be a reassessment of the historical role of the late President_Park_Chung_Hee , who rammed through the normalization of Japan-ROK diplomatic relations . (eng)

61306 他们 之中 多数 虽然 评价 反对 斗争 意义 现在 肯定 理解 日韩 邦交 正常化 成果

While they still think the anti-Treaty demonstrations as having a point , many of them now are taking the outcome of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries in a positive light . (eng)

61307 关于 日韩 邦交 正常化 日本 主张 韩国 发展 多亏 日本

With respect to the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and South_Korea , some Japanese insist that South_Korea owes its growth to Japan . (eng)

61308 但是 韩国 日韩 邦交 正常化 历史 评价 应该 听任 韩国 人民 决定

However , the historical assessment of South_Korea after the normalization of ties should be left up to South_Koreans . (eng)

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