8 Results for: (Concept:80000336-n)
101530 寺庙 大门 精雕细琢 穿 进入 庭院 之内 信步 期间 无数 细致 佛像 肃然起敬

The temple has an elaborately decorated gateway , reached by a bridge , which opens into a courtyard . (eng) Take a walk in the courtyard to admire the numerous beautifully carved Buddhas on display . (eng)

101731 许多 冷僻 中国 古董 佛像 可谓 应有尽有

Stuffed full of obscure Chinese pieces from Buddha heads and jade pendants to brass dragons , it also has a collection of statues of former Chinese leader Mao_Zedong . (eng)

102347 步入 寺庙 首先 眼帘 15 宏伟 佛像 周围 环绕 无边 无尽 灯光

Walk into the temple and you 'll immediately notice the majestic 15- metre high statue of Buddha , surrounded by a seemingly endless chain of lights . (eng)

102348 佛像 基座 描绘 佛陀 一生 重要 事件 壁画

At the base of the statue is a fresco depicting important events in Buddha 's life . (eng)

102349 佛像 后面 居室 发现 身体 斜倚 佛祖 这样 神奇 场景 只有 亲眼 见到 相信

In a chamber at the back of the statue , you 'll also find the image of the reclining Buddha that must be seen to be believed . (eng)

102350 宏伟 雄奇 佛像 不仅 值得 拍照 收藏 巨大 体形 信徒 前来 欣赏 巧妙 建筑 普通 感受 威严 肃穆

It 's a powerful figure that is not just worth taking many snapshots of , but its sheer size will simply awe and inspire not just devotees , but anyone who can appreciate marvellous architecture . (eng)

103015 卫塞节 举行 一般 礼仪 仪式 包括 经文 笼鸟 动物 吃素 沐浴 佛像 —— 根据 佛陀 出生 不久 洗浴 传说

Buddhist youth sometimes organise mass blood donations at hospitals , while general rites and rituals practiced on Vesak_Day include chanting of mantras ; releasing of caged birds and animals ; having vegetarian meals ; and " bathing " a Buddha statue , a reference to the legend of the child Buddha being showered with the waters of nine dragons soon after birth . (eng)

103017 卫塞节 大多数 佛像 重新 装饰 一番

Most statues of the Lord_Buddha are illuminated on Vesak_Day , and the celebrations conclude with a candlelight procession through the streets . (eng)

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