3 Results for: (Concept:80000314-n)
100956 其它 采用 糯米 制作 小吃 甜品 包括 年糕 汤圆

Other snacks and desserts made from glutinous rice flour include Nian_Gao and Tangyuan . (eng)

100957 年糕 香甜 糕点 人们 习惯 中国 农历 新春 佳节 食用

Nian_Gao , a sticky and sweet pudding , is traditionally eaten during Chinese_New_Year . (eng)

100958 中国 年糕 风俗 寓意 年年 主要 新年 可加 鸡蛋 煎炒 当然 全年 其他 时候 可以 糕点

Meaning “a greater or higher year” in Chinese, it is eaten steamed or pan-fried (and sometimes with egg) during this time for good luck, although it’s also available all year round. (eng)

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