10 Results for: (Concept:80000183-n)
60018 社会党 联合 政权 主导 地位 因而 负有 责任

The Socialist party is responsible for taking the initiative in leading the coalition party . (eng)

60096 今年 社会党 致力于 实现 关系 存亡 [ 民主 自由 新党 构想

This year , the Socialist_Party is going to address the realization of the " new democratic and liberal party " concept upon which the existence of the party is staked . (eng)

60149 政党 社会党 52% 先驱 50% 自民党 47%

Party-by-party results were 52_% in the SDP , 50_% in Sakigake and 47_% in the LDP . (eng)

61122 北朝鲜 自行车 远足 作为 大陆 自行车 远足 活动 举办 通过 社会党 有关 人士 北朝鲜 试探 计划

The North_Korea cycling slated for this summer is in this movement of continental cycling tours , and the association consulted the DPRK government for the tour through a source related to the Japan_Socialist_Party . (eng)

61124 鉴于 北朝鲜 期间 社会党 有关 人士 探询 交流 活动 接纳 事宜 表现 积极 姿态 并且 开始 商讨 细节 问题

As North_Korea had also requested an exchange project of a JSP source at about the same time , the nation 's government is positive toward the acceptance of the plan , and is now working on the details . (eng)

61444 并且 去年 自民党 社会党 先驱 组成 联合 政府 成立 政权

Also last year , the LDP , the Social_Democratic_Party and Sakigake_Party formed a coalition and the Murayama administration was inaugurated . (eng)

61452 作为 支持 政权 基础 社会党 围绕 创造 第三 势力 对立 日趋 严重 包括 中间 右派 议员 群体 集体 脱党 正在 剧烈 动荡

With the deepening intra-party conflict over the establishment of the third power and the mass defection by a group of neutral and right-wing members , the Social_Democratic_Party , the cornerstone supporting the Murayama administration , is in turmoil . (eng)

61461 基本 理念 自民党 自由 民主 和平 社会党 公正 共生 和平 创造 新进党 自由 公正 友爱 共生 各自 一律 排列 相同 题目 这些 不过 罗列 任何 反对 原则性 口号 缺乏 政策 依据

Regarding the basic principles , while all the parties without exception have similar themes on display such as " liberty , democracy and peace " for the LDP , " fairness , co-existence , peace and creativity " for the Social_Democratic_Party , and " liberty , fairness , fellowship and harmonious co-existence " for the New_Frontier_Party , these are nothing more than a list of rhetorical slogans that nobody can argue about and the reasoning behind the policy is also absent . (eng)

61718 社会党 [ 民主 联合会 会长 山花贞夫 民主 自由 新党 筹备会 自由主义 意味 什么 至今 没有 来自 当事者 正式 说明

No formal explanation has been offered yet from the " New Democratic_Liberal_Party_Preparatory_Committee , " of which members include the Social_Democratic_Party_'s_Sadao_Yamahana , the President_of_the_New_Democratic_League ( Shinminren ) , about their definition of " liberal . " (eng)

61720 山花 社会党 书记 保亘 言行 可以 明白 自民党 新进党 总称 不过 反对 保守 没有 赋予 积极 意义 具体 内容

While we get the idea that " liberal " is the generic term for non-Liberal Democratic and non-Shinshin ( New Frontier ) , from what Mr._Yamahana and Secretary-General_Wataru_Kubo_of_the_SDPJ have been saying it simply means anti-conservative , and no positive definition or specific details has been provided . (eng)

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