5 Results for: (Concept:80000177-n)
100649 Heng_Carrot_Cake is one of the few stalls worth trying at Newton_Hawker_Centre , so be sure to try some of their delectable fried carrot cake .
102476 Made from an old-world recipe that 's been a local favourite for many years , carrot cake is also known as chai tow kueh and actually consists of cubes of steamed rice flour and white radish , fried in egg- like an omelette and garnished with spring onions , a recipe common to the Teochews in Singapore .
102476 Made from an old-world recipe that 's been a local favourite for many years , carrot cake is also known as chai tow kueh and actually consists of cubes of steamed rice flour and white radish , fried in egg- like an omelette and garnished with spring onions , a recipe common to the Teochews in Singapore .
102478 Some of the best carrot cake in town can be sampled at Makansutra_Gluttons_Bay near the Esplanade_Theatre and Newton_Food_Centre .
102480 The process of cooking carrot cake is a fun-filled one , with hawkers chopping the omelette-like dish on their hot plates into squares ; there 's a lot of clanging sounds , chopping thuds and quite a bit of theatre , so stick around to see your dish being whipped up .

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