5 Results for: (Concept:80000174-n)
102833 Bangsawan is a form of Malay opera that is now considered a rarity in the Asian region .
102834 Like most western plays , bangsawan performances often depict classic tales of love and treachery .
102835 The most traditional types of bangsawan however , surround Malay myths such as that of Malim_Kundang , the unfaithful son who was turned to rock for his betrayal of his mother .
102836 Other popular children 's tales that inspire bangsawan plots include Bawang_Putih_Bawang_Merah and Sang_Nila_Utama .
102838 Bangsawan performances in Singapore are now typically performed on televised variety shows by the Sri_Warisan dance troupe as well as during traditional Malay weddings that are held in the heartlands of Singapore .

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