9 Results for: (Concept:80000139-n)
101702 如果 没有 鱼尾狮 没有 充分 领略 新加坡 魅力

If you have not seen the Merlion , you have not fully seen Singapore . (eng)

101703 鱼尾狮 假想 动物 新加坡 重要 国家 名片 象征

An imaginary creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish , the Merlion is the most important trademark , and symbol of the country . (eng)

101704 坐落 鱼尾狮 公园 鱼尾狮 雕像 8.6 70 新加坡 著名 标志

The original statue at the Merlion_Park measures 8.6 metres high and weighs 70 tonnes , and is one of Singapore 's most well-known icons . (eng)

101704 坐落 鱼尾狮 公园 鱼尾狮 雕像 8.6 70 新加坡 著名 标志

The original statue at the Merlion_Park measures 8.6 metres high and weighs 70 tonnes , and is one of Singapore 's most well-known icons . (eng)

101706 鱼尾狮 代表 狮子 鱼尾 象征 古城 淡马锡 ( Temasek ) 爪哇 语意 海洋 因为 王子 此地 命名 狮城 Singapura 梵文 狮子 之前 新加坡 原名 淡马锡

The lion head represents the lion spotted by Prince Sang Nila Utama when he re-discovered Singapura in 11 AD, as recorded in the "Malay Annals", and the fish tail of the Merlion symbolises the ancient city of Temasek (meaning “sea” in Javanese) by which Singapore was known before the Prince named it “Singapura” (meaning “lion city” in Sanskrit). (eng)

101707 鱼尾狮 代表 新加坡 最初 发展 起来 而且 新加坡 必须 造访 国家 标志 景点

The Merlion is representative of Singapore 's humble beginnings as a fishing village , and is a national icon that you must visit on your trip here . (eng)

101708 游览 此地 一定 欣赏 海滨 美景 以及 新加坡 中央 商务 摩天大楼 背景 鱼尾狮 雕像

do not forget to capture a view of the seafront and the Merlion set against the backdrop of skyscrapers in Singapore's Central Business District while you 're here . (eng)

103144 商标 标志 鱼尾狮 标志 MERLION SYMBOL 旅游 标志 BOARD'S SYMBOL 新加坡 旅游 法律 305B 24 25 保护

TRADE MARKS AND SYMBOLS : The " MERLION SYMBOL " , " BOARD'S SYMBOL " , are protected by virtue of Sections 24 and 25 of the Singapore_Tourism_Board_Act ( Chapter 305B ) , and any unauthorised use of these SYMBOLS of STB or representations closely resembling them constitute offences punishable under the law . (eng)

103144 商标 标志 鱼尾狮 标志 MERLION SYMBOL 旅游 标志 BOARD'S SYMBOL 新加坡 旅游 法律 305B 24 25 保护

TRADE MARKS AND SYMBOLS : The " MERLION SYMBOL " , " BOARD'S SYMBOL " , are protected by virtue of Sections 24 and 25 of the Singapore_Tourism_Board_Act ( Chapter 305B ) , and any unauthorised use of these SYMBOLS of STB or representations closely resembling them constitute offences punishable under the law . (eng)

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