10 Results for: (Concept:80000138-n)
60014 议论 有关 人士 意见 保守 论不妥 需要 市民 一边 肩负 和平 民主主义 政党

" The concept of a two-conservative-party system is not acceptable . A party that maintains peace and carries out democracy from the citizens ' perspective is required , " the party members and those related said . (eng)

60019 没有 动荡

The party members do not worry about it so much . (eng)

60023 作为 委员长 希望 维护 团结

As the chairperson , I would like to regard the unity of the party as important . (eng)

60166 这样 明显 倾向 小泽 新进党 相当 好感 执政党 好感

The survey unveiled a remarkable tendency that Mr._Ozawa 's favorable rating was considerably high in the NFP , but extremely low in the ruling parties . (eng)

60646 支持 候选人 议会 联合 组建 [ 联络 协议会 新年 开始 运营

They are going to establish a " liaison council " in early January for the selection and backup of their own candidate , in cooperation with the prefectural assembly members . (eng)

60649 由自社 公民 加上 新进党 派别 干事长 结成 另外 [ 联络 协议会 融入 现在 铃木 执政党 框架 谋求 联合 支持 候选人

They aim to select and back up an joint candidate , within the framework of the current ruling party of the assembly led by Suzuki , establishing another " liaison council " comprising Secretary-Generals of six factions , including the LDP , JSP , Komeito , DSP , and the NFP . (eng)

61452 作为 支持 政权 基础 社会党 围绕 创造 第三 势力 对立 日趋 严重 包括 中间 右派 议员 群体 集体 脱党 正在 剧烈 动荡

With the deepening intra-party conflict over the establishment of the third power and the mass defection by a group of neutral and right-wing members , the Social_Democratic_Party , the cornerstone supporting the Murayama administration , is in turmoil . (eng)

100708 作为 楚国 廉洁 大夫 屈原 政府 腐败 行为 非常 气愤 于是 汨罗江

An incorruptible Minister_of_State , Qu_Yuan apparently became so upset with the acts of corruption within his government that he threw himself into the Mei_Lo_River in despair . (eng)

101205 这里 家常 萝卜糕 现场 然后 鸡蛋 煎炒 直至

Their homemade carrot cake is steamed on site , then fried with egg till crisp on the outside and soft on the inside . (eng)

101770 对于 标准 一次性 旅行 车票 必须 1 而且 可以 下车 车站 任何 售票机 乘客 服务 中心 退

For standard one-time travel tickets , a S $ 1 deposit is required and can be refundable at any GTM or Passenger_Service_Centre at your alighting station . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>