10 Results for: (Concept:77000120-a)
11039 A heavy step was heard upon the stairs , and an instant later there entered a tall , ruddy , clean-shaven gentleman , whose clear eyes and florid cheeks told of a life led far from the fogs of Baker Street .
11337 Our first attention was given to the body of the unfortunate squire , whose huge frame lay stretched across the room .
13634 In whose interest are you acting , may I ask ?
13973 ' I can only say for certain that Mr. Joseph Harrison is a gentleman to whose mercy I should be extremely unwilling to trust . '
18693 I knocked him down , and the police have him in custody ; but I can tell you with the most absolute confidence that no possible connection will ever be traced between the gentleman upon whose front teeth I have barked my knuckles and the retiring mathematical coach , who is , I dare say , working out problems upon a blackboard ten miles away .
18797 I am too old a traveller to allow myself to be seriously inconvenienced by the loss of my luggage , but I confess that I was annoyed at the idea of being forced to dodge and hide before a man whose record was black with unutterable infamies .
45848 ' This family paper was committed to my care by Sir Charles Baskerville , whose sudden and tragic death some three months ago created so much excitement in Devonshire .
45920 ' The recent sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville , whose name has been mentioned as the probable Liberal candidate for Mid-Devon at the next election , has cast a gloom over the county .
47748 That is the whole truth , as I am an honest Christian woman , and you will see that if there is blame in the matter it does not lie with my husband , but with me , for whose sake he has done all that he has . '
49353 He did , as a matter of fact , marry , and had one child , this fellow , whose real name is the same as his father .

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