10 Results for: (Concept:76100017-x)
11006 现在 谈论 发生 福尔摩斯 交往 早期

" How on earth do you know that ? " I asked . (eng)

11008 本来 可以 记录 下来 但是 当时 作出 严守 秘密 保证 直至 上月 由于 作出 保证 女士 不幸 过早 逝世 方始 解除 约束

He wheeled round upon his stool , with a steaming test-tube in his hand , and a gleam of amusement in his deep-set eyes . (eng)

11019 你瞧 如果 有些 年轻 女士 这么 一清早 徘徊 这个 都市 甚至 梦乡 床上 吵醒 认为 必定 紧急 事情 她们 不得不 商量

" Very likely not ; but I can quickly show you a close connection . (eng)

11020 假如 有趣 案子 那么 肯定 一定 希望 一开始 有所 了解

Here are the missing links of the very simple chain : 1 . You had chalk between your left finger and thumb when you returned from the club last night . (eng) 2 . You put chalk there when you play billiards , to steady the cue . (eng) 3 . You never play billiards except with Thurston . (eng) 4 . You told me , four weeks ago , that Thurston had an option on some South African property which would expire in a month , and which he desired you to share with him . (eng) 5 . Your check book is locked in my drawer , and you have not asked for the key . (eng) 6 . You do not propose to invest your money in this manner . " (eng)

11020 假如 有趣 案子 那么 肯定 一定 希望 一开始 有所 了解

Here are the missing links of the very simple chain : 1 . You had chalk between your left finger and thumb when you returned from the club last night . (eng) 2 . You put chalk there when you play billiards , to steady the cue . (eng) 3 . You never play billiards except with Thurston . (eng) 4 . You told me , four weeks ago , that Thurston had an option on some South African property which would expire in a month , and which he desired you to share with him . (eng) 5 . Your check book is locked in my drawer , and you have not asked for the key . (eng) 6 . You do not propose to invest your money in this manner . " (eng)

11058 法林托歇 " 想起 案子 猫儿眼 宝石 冠冕 有关 案子

There was an American young lady there -- Patrick was the name -- Elsie Patrick . (eng)

11061 至于 酬劳 职业 本身 酬劳 但是 可以 感到 合适 时候 随意 支付 可能 付出 费用

We were quietly married at a registry office , and we returned to Norfolk a wedded couple . (eng)

11062 那么 现在 可能 有助于 作出 判断 一切 告诉 我们

You 'll think it very mad , Mr. Holmes , that a man of a good old family should marry a wife in this fashion , knowing nothing of her past or of her people , but if you saw her and knew her , it would help you to understand . (eng)

11064 这些 小事 别人 起来 可能 微不足道 所有 当中 甚至 权利 取得 帮助 指点 告诉 关于 一切 看做 神经质 女人 胡思乱想

" She was very straight about it , was Elsie . (eng)

11119 来说 容易 因为 可怕 时刻 发生 已经 深深 记忆

If it is a purely arbitrary one , it may be impossible for us to solve it . (eng)

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