10 Results for: (Concept:70100440-a)
60303 作为 恩师 楠部 弥壹 之后 大梁 接班人 可以 理所当然 楠部 先生 称为 彩挺 艳丽 修饰 方法 相比 今井 修饰 方法 并不 色彩 运用 精致 镶嵌 技术 自由 表现 花纹 创出 独特 风格

This is a matter of course as he shoulders the legacy of his teacher , Yaichi_Kusube , but whereas Kusube devoted himself to the elegantly decorative Saitei style , Imai 's style is not colorful , but rather uses an intricate inlay technique to create the unrestrained designs that have become his own unique style . (eng)

60996 三角洲 农民 面对 课题 出奇 这个 所长 感叹 日本 那样 现代 农业 竞争 所以 很多 农民 放弃 土地 理所当然

The problems delta farmers are facing are extraordinary , and Chan laments , " We can not compete with modern farming like Japan 's . It 's only natural that more farmers will give up their land . " (eng)

61056 汉族 翻译 顺芳 小姐 农民 收入 增加 所以 建造 坚固 砖房 理所当然

As my Han interpreter , Ms._Tang_Sunfang explains , " The farmers have more income , so it 's only natural they change to durable brick housing . " (eng)

61165 作为 日本 面对 政治 蓝图 理所当然 指导 方针

These are inevitable political guiding principles that Japan must face . (eng)

61475 粮食法 体制 关键词 来说 大米 委托 政府 部分 管理 民间 流通 因此 精简 机构 理所当然

Under the new Food_Law , as rice will be transferred to " partial control " by the government and " distribution by the private sector , " to refer to them in keywords , streamlining the system makes sense . (eng)

61643 美国 媒体 评价 理所当然

It is no wonder that the American media did not give him a good mark . (eng)

61651 即使 总统 产生 怎么 能够 认真 交往 心境 理所当然

It is not unreasonable if the president eventually came to think that " they are not worth being taken seriously . " (eng)

61656 记者 会见 美国 记者团 提问 集中 这些 问题 极为 理所当然

It really comes as no surprise that questions from the American press corps focused on these issues during the press conference . (eng)

61761 对于 墨西哥 金融 援助 为了 保护 北美 自由 贸易 市场 美国 发挥 主要 作用 理所当然

With regard to the financial aid for Mexico , it is a matter of course that the US will play a major role in order to defend the North_American_Free_Trade market . (eng)

62018 竭尽全力 理所当然 然而 首相 究竟 倾注 多少 精力

It was naturally expected a great deal of attention would be focuses on such a special speech , we have to wonder how much effort the prime minister had put into it . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>