8 Results for: (Concept:15290337-n)
13476 It was a new phase of his character to me , for I had never before seen him show any keen interest in natural objects .
18862 It appeared that within a very few minutes of our leaving , an English lady had arrived who was in the last stage of consumption .
60212 Its initial phase , which was designed to realize the acquisition of stocks by privatized securities , was completed in June 1994 , and the second phase has been launched , in which cash purchase of stocks is being aimed for .
60212 Its initial phase , which was designed to realize the acquisition of stocks by privatized securities , was completed in June 1994 , and the second phase has been launched , in which cash purchase of stocks is being aimed for .
61174 He analyzed the phase of Japan 's economy at a half-century after the end of the war in the style of the writer Ryotaro_Shiba by saying , " having kept its eye on clouds over the top of the hill , it has finally arrived at the peak . "
61218 If we reach the stage where the " loosening of regulations " is no longer just a slogan but is entering a stage of specific action , there will be more examples in the business world of parties who show a passive attitude or even outright opposition .
61589 When the shipment of C-heavy oil to North_Korea begins , the improvement of US-North_Korea relations will advance to the next phase .
62112 A delay in information gathering in the early stage of the disaster resulted in the confusion .

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