10 Results for: (Concept:15290337-n)
60003 认为 俄罗斯 方面 已经 进入 控制 首都 最后 阶段

The Russian force seems to have reached its final stage to take control of the capital . (eng)

60013 经济 处于 逐渐 复苏 微妙 阶段 因此 认为 现在 解散 时候

As we are in a sensitive stage when economy is recovering , I consider that it is not appropriate to dissolve the Diet at this point . (eng)

60077 无论是 执政党 还是 在野党 以往 政治 框架 分离 组合 面向 大选 政界 重组 第二 临时 宿舍 样子

Both the ruling party and the opposition party are still unstable within the existing political framework , which is " a temporary status " towards the next general election and the second stage of the political realignment . (eng)

60212 使用 私营化 证券 取得 股票 第一 阶段 九四年 六月 结束 现在 进入 可以 现金 购买 股票 第二 阶段

Its initial phase , which was designed to realize the acquisition of stocks by privatized securities , was completed in June 1994 , and the second phase has been launched , in which cash purchase of stocks is being aimed for . (eng)

60212 使用 私营化 证券 取得 股票 第一 阶段 九四年 六月 结束 现在 进入 可以 现金 购买 股票 第二 阶段

Its initial phase , which was designed to realize the acquisition of stocks by privatized securities , was completed in June 1994 , and the second phase has been launched , in which cash purchase of stocks is being aimed for . (eng)

60213 九四年 十一月 阶段 百分之七十五 企业 实现 私营化 之外 企业 私营化 取得 很大 进展

As of November 1994 , 75 percent of small to medium businesses were privatized , and a considerable number of large companies have also been privatized . (eng)

60457 以后 大桥 本家 大桥 分家 伊藤家 日本 象棋 家族 继承 历代 名人 称谓 度过 明治 维新 动荡 阶段 迎来 关根 十三 名人 时代

Afterwards , the three shogi houses of Ohashi_Honke , Ohashi_Bunke and Ito carried on the name of Meijin through successive generations , and the era of the 13th Meijin_Sekine came after the turbulence of the Meiji_Restoration was overcome . (eng)

60981 日本 倡导 举办 包括 东盟 印度 支那 综合 开发 研讨会 准备 阶段

Japan is advocating the formation of a " Forum for the Comprehensive_Development_of_Indo-China " including the Association_of_Southeast_Asian_Nations , but it is still in the planning stages . (eng)

61174 山坡 云彩 现在 终于 登上 山坡 司马辽太郎式 语言 解析 经过 后半 世纪 日本 经济 相位

He analyzed the phase of Japan 's economy at a half-century after the end of the war in the style of the writer Ryotaro_Shiba by saying , " having kept its eye on clouds over the top of the hill , it has finally arrived at the peak . " (eng)

61218 仅仅 口头 空喊 缓和 限制 时代 如果 步入 具体化 阶段 行业 表现 反对 消极 态度

If we reach the stage where the " loosening of regulations " is no longer just a slogan but is entering a stage of specific action , there will be more examples in the business world of parties who show a passive attitude or even outright opposition . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>