5 Results for: (Concept:15272887-n)
60476 In the meantime , the sponsoring newspaper changed back again from the Asahi_Shimbun to the Mainichi_Daily_News in 1976 .
61231 Mr._Kuyama , who has retired from the post of Vice-Director_of_the_UN_Human_Settlements_Program ( UN-Habitat ) , first took a job with the United_Nations_Development_Program in 1970 and rose to be its Assistant_Vice-Director after serving in the interim as part of the Japanese_UN_Delegation in New_York .
61453 In the meantime , the Liberal_Democratic_Party , the other ruling party , has cooled down from its temporary excitement over the rebirth of the party , possibly due to the sense of security brought by the party 's return to power , glossed over the party reform with perfunctory revisions , and is making a frantic effort to stay in power .
61548 Meanwhile , the Ministry_of_Education should amend this restrictive five-day school system and tackle the drastic revision of the educational guidelines towards a complete five-day school system .
103598 The counter overlooks the kitchen , where you can view the chefs at work ; meanwhile , Ignatius and his team will provide you with personal and impeccable service .

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