4 Results for: (Concept:15219022-n)
101187 为期 哈芝节 Hari Raya Haji 又称 宰牲节 全世界 穆斯林 共同 节日

Hari Raya Haji, otherwise known as the “Festival of Sacrifice”, is celebrated over a period of three days by Muslims all over the world. (eng)

101187 为期 哈芝节 Hari Raya Haji 又称 宰牲节 全世界 穆斯林 共同 节日

Hari Raya Haji, otherwise known as the “Festival of Sacrifice”, is celebrated over a period of three days by Muslims all over the world. (eng)

101189 根据 伊斯兰 希吉拉 Hijrah 哈芝节 朝圣 Dhul Hijja 斋月 70 开始 举行

According to the Islamic calendar , Hijrah , this festival starts on the 10th day of the month of Dhul_Hijja , 70 days after the holy month of Ramadan . (eng)

101195 传统 哈芝节 祈祷 仪式 结束 他们 宰杀 牛羊 献祭 真主

After performing the customary Hari_Raya_Haji prayers , they then sacrifice sheep , goats and cows . (eng)

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